There is a variety of different uses for podcasts libraries (as we have discovered over the course of this session). There could be some good opportunities for our library to utilise podcasts too.
Some ideas we had were:
1. To record staff meetings and make them available to staff who were not present and other interested parties.
2. We could use this technology to train staff, because this would save time and money because the training process would not have to take up extra staff time (regarding trainers), also the staff could do the training at their own convenience, and repeat it at home for reinforcement
3. We could give weekly updates for staff (which would come in handy for part-time and casual staff)
4. We could bring library news and changes to the library patrons in an exciting and easily consumed format)
5. We could record library talks and events and make them available to people who couldnt come at the time of the event.
6. We could record library participation at outside events.
7. We could notify patrons online of new books and resources available at the library, and if it a video podcast it would really assist in this situation because patrons could see what the book looks like. Also book reviews could be performed.
8. We could record the performance of library storytime and baby rhyme times so parents could replay podcasts of this to do rhymes and songs with their own children.
In conclusion we think podcasting has great potential for public library use.